Matriz i-THREAD (relleno sólido) Introducción Prof. Lee Hoon-Burm
sáb, 16 may
|Hospital Internacional St.Mary's de Corea.

Horario y ubicación
16 may 2020, 9:00 – 15:20 GMT-7
Hospital Internacional St.Mary's de Corea.
Acerca del evento
1. Date: May 16th, 09:00
2. Location: International St. Mary's hospital. 3. Patient status: ▼Case 1 : [Russian/Female] ▶ treatment area and used product - Laugh lines: i-Thread Matrixe 150mm*2ea - Marionette lines: -Thread Matrixe 70mm*2ea - under eye: i-Thread Matrix 70mm*2ea
▼Case 2 : not designated i-Thread Magic, i-THREAD Sculpt (molding Cog) , L cannula and mono
▼Case 3 : not designated
Lee Hoon Bum(李訓範)
◎ Medical field
cosmetic surgery
stem cell procedure and surgery
Fine surgery and reconstruction surgery
◎ A history of learning
Graduated from medical school (1978-1984)
Master of Medicine at Yonsei University School of Medicine (1991-1994) [Thesis: Island models of rat abdomen and the comparative analysis of their survival rates]
Korea University School of Medicine: Doctor of Medicine (1994-1997)
[Thesis : The role of DHEA and polyamine on apoptosis of thymus and spleen cells caused by dexamethasone and anti-Fas antibody]
◎ Major career
Instructor of Plastic Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine (1993-1995)
Full-time Instructor of Plastic Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine (1995-1996)
Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine (1996-1998)
Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine (1998-2002)
Worked in Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital (1998-2000)
Professor of Plastic Surgery, Catholic Kwandong University College of Medicine (2014- present)
Head of the Center for International Medical Care, International St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic Kwandong University (2018-present)
Head of Plastic Surgery, Catholic Kwandong University School of Medicine (2019- present)
Department of Plastic Surgery, International St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic Kwandong University (2014-present)
Professor of Plastic Surgery, Catholic Kwandong University College of Medicine (2014- present)
Head of the Center for International Medical Care, International St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic Kwandong University (2018-present)
Head of Plastic Surgery, Catholic Kwandong University School of Medicine (2019- present)
Department of Plastic Surgery, International St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic Kwandong University (2014-present)
◎ Affiliated Society and Activities
Secretary of the Korean Plastic Surgery Academy, Institutional Review Board
Korean Society for Plastic Surgery
Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Academic director of the Korean Society for Head and Neck Society
Korean Society for Microsurgery
Secretary of the Korean Facial Association
Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand
◎ Current committee participation activities
2014. 2. -Present Member of the Operating Room Committee of the International St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic Kwandong University
2014. 7.-Present IRB member, Catholic Kwandong University International St. Mary's Hospital
2015. 6. – 2018. 8. Korea Food and Drug Safety Commission, Medical Device Specialist
2015. 5.-Present Member of the Cell Therapy Room at the International St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic Kwandong University
2015. 5.-Present member of the Catholic University of Korea International St. Mary's Hospital Bio Convergence Research Center (Stem Cell Therapy)
2016. 11.-present Council member of the Korean Society for Plastic Surgery
2016. 11.-Present Editor of the Korean Plastic Surgery Association
◎ Awards
1985 National Police Agency Citation
1992 Korea Plastic Surgery Academy excellent paper presentation award
1998 Yonsei University Excellent Research Achievement Award
1999 American Academy of Plastic Surgery, Academic Award of the Year
(Honor Award in 1999, PSEF, American Plastic Surgery Association)
◎ Research experience
1994.3.-1995.2. Yonsei University College of Medicine PI
Survival Rate and Usefulness of Skin Flap (Pig)
1996.3.-1997.2. Yonsei University College of Medicine PI
Capsular island flap (rat) using double layers of silicone
1996.3.-1997.2. Yonsei University College of Medicine PI
Prefabricated nasolacimal duct reconstruction
using OO muscular saphenous vein island flap (dog)
1997.3.-1998.2. Yonsei University College of Medicine PI
Fatigue resistant muscular transformation
by vagus reinnervated SCM skeletal muscle (rat)
1999.5.-2000.3. Harvard medical school PI
Neourethral sphincter by autonomic nerve
reinnervated gracilis muscle
1998.9.-2000.3. Harvard medical school Investigator
Reproduction of Skin Melanocyte Repopulation
in Full-Thickness Wounds
Using a Cell Spray Technique. (pig)
1998.9.-2000.3. Harvard medical school Investigator
Sprayed Keratinocytes Suspensions Accelerates
Epidermal Coverage in a Porcine Microwound Model. (Pig)
2011.3.-2012.10. Hallym University Gangnam Sacred Heart Hospital Investigator
Scar prevention or reduction by Botox in vitro and in vivo
2015.2.-2017.12. Catholic Kwandong University International St. Mary's Hospital PI
Medical magnet band (rat)
2015.2.- 2017.12. Catholic Kwandong University International St. Mary's Hospital Investigator
3D chondrocytes culture using PVA
◎ Paper presented by the International Society of Korea (SCI-registered papers)
1. Kim SW, Min WK, Hong JP, Lee HB, Chung YK
Bilateral triangular flaps for the correction of posttracheostomy scars: A simpler Approach.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1094-1096, 2001.
2. Lee HB, Hur JY, Song JM, Tark KC
Long anterior urethral reconstruction using a sensate ulnar forearm free flap.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2053-2055, 2002.
3. Navarro FA, Stoner ML, Lee HB, Park CS, Wood FM, Orgill DP
Reproduction of Skin Melanocyte Repopulation in Full-Thickness Wounds Using a Cell Spray Technique.
Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, 22(1):35, 2001.
4. Navarro FA, Storner ML, Park CS, Huertas J, Wood FM, Lee HB,
Orgill DP Sprayed Keratinocytes Suspensions Accelerates Epidermal
Coverage in a Porcine Microwound Model.
Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, 21(6):513, 2000.
5. Lee HB, Tark KC, and Kang SY
Reconstruction of composite metacarpal defects using a fibula free flap.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 105(4):1448-1452, 2000.
6. Lee HB, and Lew DH
De Novo induction of capsular island flap using two silastic sheets.
Part.1, Generation.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 104(4): 1023-1028, 1999.
7. Lee HB, Hong JP, Kim KT, Kim SW, Chung YK, Tark KC, Bong JP.
Orbital floor and infraorbital rim reconstruction using a calvarial bone flap.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 104(3): 646-653, 1999. 9월
8. Lee HB, Lew DH, Oh SH, Tark KC, Kim SW, Chung YK, Lee YH.
Simultaneous reconstruction of the Achilles tendon and soft-tissue defect using only a latissimus dorsi muscle free flap.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 104(1): 111-119, 1999.
9. Lee HB, Roh TS, Kim SW, Chung YK, Shin KS.
Correction of inverted nipple using strut reinforcement with deepithelialized triangular Flap.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 102(4): 1253-1258, 1998.
10. Lee HB, Tark KC, Rah DK, Shin KS.
Pulp reconstruction of fingers with very small sized sensate medial plantar free flap.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 101(4): 999-1006, 1998.
11. Lew DH, Park BY, Lee HB, Lew JD.
Simple fixation method for unstable zygomatic arch fracture using double Kirschners
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 101(5): 1351-1354, 1998.
12. Lee HB, Kim SW, Shin KS.
Unilateral multilayered musculocutaneous V-Y advancement flap for the treatment of pressure sore.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 100(2): 340-345, 1997.
13. Oh BH, Lee SH, Nam K, Lee HB, Chung KY.
Comparision of negative pressure wound therapy and secondary intension healing after excision of acral lentiginous melanoma on foot.
British Journal of Dermatologic Surg, 168, 333-338, 2013.
14. Hong JP, Lee HB, Chung YK, Kim SW, Tark KC
Coverage of Difficult wounds around the knee joint with prefabricated, distally based sartorius muscle flaps. Ann Plast Surg.,50: 484-490, 2003.
15. Hwang EA, Lee HB, Tark KC
Comparison of bone morphogenic protein receptors expression in fetal and adult skin. Yonsei Medical Journal, 42(6): 581-586, 2001
16. JP Hong, SJ Lee, HB Lee, YK Chung
Reconstruction of Figertip and stump using a composite graft from the hypothenar region. Ann Plast Surg, 51: 57-62, 2003.
17. Mi-Sun Hur, Jung-Hee Bae, Ho-Jeong Kim, Hoon-Bum Lee, Kyu-Seok Lee
Blending of the lateral deep slip of the platysma muscle into the buccinator muscle.
Surg Radiol Anat (2015) 37:931–934
18.Hoon Kim, Chi Sun Yoon, Hoon Bum Lee, Byung Kyun Ko, Gyu Yeol Kim and Kyu Nam Kim,* Mini-breast reconstruction with an omental flap: a retrospective clinical study. ANZ Journal of Surgery, E261–E265; Volume 87, Issue 12 December 2017.
19. S.W. Kim, J.W. Choi, C.Y. Lee, J. Lee, S. Shin, S. Lim, S. Lee, I.-K. Kim, H.-B. Lee*, and K.C. Hwang*. Effects of donor age on human adipose-derived adherent stromal cells under oxidative stress conditions. Journal of International Medical Research. (2017).
20. J.W. Choi, S. Shin, C.Y. Lee, J. Lee, H.H. Seo, S. Lim, S. Lee, I.-K. Kim, H.-B. Lee, S.W. Kim*, and K.C. Hwang*. Rapid induction of osteogenic markers in mesenchymal stem cells by adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 44(1),53-65 (2017).
21. S. Lim, I.-K. Kim, J.W. Choi, H.H. Seo, K.H. Lim, S. Lee, H.-B. Lee, S.W. Kim*, and K.C. Hwang*. Gender-dimorphic effects of adipose-derived stromal vascular fractions on HUVECs exposed to oxidative stress. International Journal of Medical Sciences. 14(9), 911-919 (2017).
22.B,-W Song, H Hong, YJ Jung, JH Lee, BS Kim, and H,-B Lee. Combination Therapy Comprising a Static Magnetic Field with Contractility Improves Skin Wounds. Tissue Engineering, Parts A, Vol.24, No.17-18 (2018)
Published Online: 1 Sep 2018
◎ Thesis presented by the Korean Journal
1. Lew DH, and Lee HB.
Tissue revascularization with flow through circulation.
Korean society of reconstructive hand surgery, 1997; 2(1): 29-35.
2. Lee JH, Lee HB, Kim SW, Kim JB, Lew DH, Chung YK.
Reconstruction of the soft tissue defect of pelvis and groin area using rectus abdominis and gracilis muscle flap.
Korean society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1997; 24(6): 1439-1446.
3. Lee JH, Lee HB, Kim SW, Kim JB, Lew DH, Chung YK.
Hypopharyngo-Esophageal reconstruction with free flaps.
Korean society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1997; 24(6):1453-1463.
4. Kang SY, Lew DH, Lee HB, Kim SW, Chung YK.
A case report: compartment syndrome of lower extremity.
Korean society of reconstructive hand surgery, 1997; 2(1): 114-121.
5. Lee HB, and Shin KS.
A comparative study of the survival rates between expanded capsular flap and nonexpanded capsular flap.
Korean society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1996; 23(1): 47-51.
6. Kim JH, Lee HB, Tark KC, Shin KS.
Reconstruction of complex facial defect using multi-dimensional folded latissimus dorsi yocutaneous free flap.
Korean society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1996; 23(3): 752-758.
7.Kim JB, Lew DH, Kim SW, Lee HB, Chung YK.
The reconstruction of various facial bone defects using iliac bone graft.
Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 1996; 2(1,2): 78.
8. Lew DH, Lee HB, Park BY.
New fixation method in unstable zygomatic arch fracture using two Kirschner wires. Korean society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1996; 23(6): 1564-1571.
9. Chi YH, Kim SW, Cho SH, Lee HB, Shin KS.
The treatment of vitiligo with thin split thickness skin graft after dermabrasion. Korean society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1996; 23(6): 1490-1493.
10. Lee HB, Chi YH, Kim SW, Tark KC, Shin KS.
The pulp reconstruction of finger with small sensate instep free flap.
Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1996; 23(6): 1673-1679.
11. Cho HK, Lee HB, Han SK, Cho SH, Park YK.
Surgical treatment of vitiligo by dermabrasion and epithelial sheet grafting.
Korean Journal of Dermatology, 1996, 34(5): 757-761.
12. Choi EC, Lee HB, Kim ES, Choi HS.
Reconstruction after total glossectomy.
Korean Journal of Otolaryngology, 1996; 39(3): 500-507.
13. Chung DH, Lee HB, Baik SI, Park DJ, Lee KB.
Reconstruction of the orbital floor using pedicled calvarial bone flap.
The Korean Journal of Otolaryngology, 1996; 39(8):1339-1345.
14. Yoon JH, Choi EC, Lee HB, Choi JW, Lee JK.
Free latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap for the large orbito-maxillary defects after extended radical maxillectomy.
Korean Journal of Otolaryngology, 1995; 38(6): 928-932.
15. Choi EC, Lee HB, Kim JB.
Reconstruction of the pharynx and cervical esophagus with end to side anastomosis of free jejunal graft for the oropharyngeal involvement of hypopharyngeal carcinoma.
Korean Journal of Otolaryngology, 1995; 38(6): 933-938.
16 Kim DH, Lee HB, Sohn MB, Chung YK, Park BY, Lee YH.
Direct transcutaneous reduction of zygoma fracture with threaded K-wire.
Korean society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1995; 23(6): 517-522.
17. Tark KC, Yoo WM, Lee HB, Lew JD.
Clinical application of sensate instep flaps.
Korean society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1995; 22(3): 641-650.
18. Lee HB, Kim SW, Shin KS.
Unilateral multilayered V-Y advancement flap for the treatment of pressure sore. Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1995; 22(3): 658-663.
19. Lee HB, Chung IH, Tark KC, Lee YH, Sohn MB.
Replantation of amputated distal phalangeal parts of finger using subcutaneous pockets.
Korean society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1995; 22(2): 376-382.
20. Kim YH, Choi Ec, Hong WP, Kim KM, Lee HB.
Reconstruction with forearm free flap in hypopharyngeal cancer.
Korean Journal of Otolaryngology, 1995; 38(6): 939-946.
21. Lee HB, Park C, Park BY, Shin KS.
Island models of rat abdomen and the comparative analysis of their survival rates. Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1994; 21(5): 879-886.
22. Lee HB, Kim SW, Shin KS.
Modified Teimourean method for correction of inverted nipples.
Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1994; 21(5): 1026-1031.
23. Lee HB, Tark KC.
Various reconstruction using sensate medial plantar free flap.
Journal of Korean Society of Microsurgery,1994; 3(1): 54-63.
24. Cha WJ, Lee HB, Chung YK.
Reconstruction of the soft tissue defects for distal part of the tibia, ankle and foot using rectus abdominis muscle free flap,
Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1993; 20(5): 1114-1124.
25. Yoon JS, Lee HB, Lee SH, Shin KS.
Functional and anatomic reconstruction of the donor site after the transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap.
Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1992; 19(3): 459-469.
26. Lee HB, Park BY, Lee YH.
Surgical correction of plagiocephaly.
Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1991; 18(6): 1066-1073.
27. Lee HB, Rah DK, Lee SH.
Upper and lower extremity reconstruction with forearm free flap.
Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1991; 18(6): 1137.
28. Lee HB, Tark KC, Lee YH.
The parascapular free flap for heel resurfacing.
Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1991; 17(6): 1109-1118.
29. Kim ES, Lee HB, Rah DK.
Versatility of Radial Forearm Free Flap.
Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1997; 24(1): 154-162.
30. Kim ES, Chung S, Lee HB.
Functional effects of radial forearm free flap used for reconstruction in tonsillar region.
Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1997; 24(3): 570-579.
31. Lee HB, Kim KT, Kim SW, Chung YK.
Orbital floor and infraorbital rim reconstruction with vascularized calvarial bone flap. Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1998; 25(5): 866-873.
32. Junpyo Hong, Hunbeom Lee, Seokwon Kim, Yunkyu Jung
A study on the new book-type film flap using two layers of silicon plate
Journal of the Korean Society for Plastic Surgery 1999; 107: 647-651.
33. Yoonkyu Park, Hoonbeom Lee, Seokwon Kim, Yoonkyu Jung
Usefulness of segmented photoreinforced glass flaps
Journal of the Korean Society for Plastic Surgery 1999; 108: 923-926.
34. Hoonbeom Lee, Pil-dong Cho, Seok-won Kim, Sang-yoon Kang, Yoon-kyu Jung
Reconstruction using pre-engineered muscle flaps in the injured wound of the knee joint
Journal of the Korean Society for Plastic Surgery 1999; 8: 917-922.
35. Seong Ha-min, Seo In-seok, Lee Hoon-beom, Tak Gyeong-suk, Jo Geun, Moon Kyung-min, Jung Min-soo
Reconstruction of soft tissue defects using artificial dermis and partial layer skin transplantation in patients with scleroderma
Journal of the Korean Burn Society 2011; 14 (01): 43-46
36. Jiyeon Kim, Jeongseom, Hunbeom Lee, Yunkyu Jung
Proximal-type epithelioid sarcoma arising in the inguinal area.
Arch Plast Surg 2012; 39; 177-179
37. Ji-Yeon Hur, Woo-Jin Song, Jong-Wook Lee, Hun-Bum Lee, Seung-Won Jeong, Ji-Yu Seo, Dong-Uk Seo, Jae-Gu Choi, Young-Chul Jang
Elbow reconstruction using island flap for burn patients.
Arch Plast Surg 2012; 39 (6); 212-215
38.JH Kim, MR Roh, K Nam, H Jee, HB Lee, KY Chung
Negative-pressure therapy for pre and post-grafting after wide extirpation excision of melanoma of the toe.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 2013; 51 (1): 65-68
35. Reconstruction of tissue defect using medial plantar sensory flap
Hoonbeom Lee, Takwancheol
Journal of the Korean Society for Microsurgery; 1994. Nov. 54-63
36. Reconstruction of the hypopharynx and transesophageal region using radial anterior flap in the hypopharynx
Youngho Kim, Eunchang Choi, Wonpyo Hong, Gwangmun Kim, Hyekyung Lee, Hunbeom Lee
Korean Otolaryngology Society; 1995,38 (6), 939-946
37. Treatment of vitiligo by thinsplit-thickness skin graft dlyd skin excision
Hankyung Han, Seungkyung Han, Hoonbeom Lee, Sunghwan Cho, Yunki Park
Korean Journal of Dermatology, 1996,34 (5), 757-761
38.An intramuscular ganglion causing neurophathy of the common peroneal nerve.
Yoonkyu Jung, Junpyo Hong, Seokwon Kim, Hoonbeom Lee
Journal of the Korean Society for Plastic Surgery, 1998,12,3 (3) 39-42
39.The effect of steroid and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on acute wound healing and collagen formation in white paper skin. Han Chang-dong, Lee Hwan-mo, Lee Hun-beom, Han Myung-hun, Yu Hwan-wook
Journal of Korean Orthopedic Surgery38 (4) Aug. 2003,393-397.
40. Case reports of adipose-derived stem cell therapy for nasal skin necrosis after filler injection. 3/6, Journal of the Korean Society for Plastic Surgery, 2012,39 (1): 51-54.
◎ Book / writing
1. Hoonbeom Lee. Rehabilitation of orbital and maxillary facial structures after regional cancer resection
in Tark KC and Chung MS: Microsurgical Latest Head and Neck Surgery and Surgery,
Seoul, Bachelor of Medicine, 2001: p 39 – p 44.
2. Hun-beom Lee and Tae-seok Noh. Breast Reconstruction in Kyungsik Lee: The Reality of Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer,
Book Publishing Medical Culture History, 2002: p190-p197.
◎ Invited lecture
[International Society]
1. Lee HB, Navarro F, Park C, Stoner M, Orgill DP
Reproduction of Skin Pigment in a Full-Thickness Wound Using a Cellular Suspension.
Proceedings of the American Burn Association, S169, 2000. (미국화상학회)
2. Navarro F, Park C, Huertas J, Wood F, Lee HB, Orgill DP
Sprayed Keratinocytes Suspensions Accelerates Epidermal Coverage in a Porcine Microwound Model.
Proceedings of the American Burn Association, S169, 2000. (미국화상학회)
3. Lee HB, Kim SW, Chung YK
A New Model for Fatigue Resistant Muscle Transformation by Vagal Autonomic Reinnervation.
67th ASPRS Scientific Annual Meeting. Boston, Massatussette, Plastic Surgical Forum, 1998; 244-246.
4. Kim SW, Hong JP, Lee HB, Chung YK
Accurate Firm Stabilization Using External Pins: A Proposal for Closed Reduction of Unfavorable Nasal Bone Fracture.
12th Congress of International Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (1999.6.27-7.2 San Francisco, USA), Forum; 175.
5. Kim SW, Lee HB, Chung YK
Accurate firm stabilization using external pins: A proposal for closed reduction of unstable nasal bone fractures.
12th Congress of International Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (1999.6.27-7.2 San Francisco, USA), Forum; 147.
6. Kim SW, Lee HB, Chung YK
Free Gracilis Muscle Flap for Reconstruction of the Dorsum of Foot.
12th Congress of International Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (1999.6.27-7.2 San Francisco, USA), Forum; 58.
7. Park BY, Lee HB, Lew DH
A simple method for zygoma fracture with closed reduction and continuous supraorbital traction using two threaded K-wire.
4th Asian Pacific Cleft Lip & Palate Conference. (1999. 9. 28-30. Fukuoka, Japan) Forum 1999; 157.
8. Lee HB, Kim SW, Chung YK
A New Model for Fatigue Resistant Muscle Transformation by Vagal Autonomic Reinnervation.
67th ASPRS Scientific Annual Meeting. Boston, Massatussette, Plastic Surgical Forum, 1998; 244-246.
9. Lee HB, Kim SW, Chung YK, Tark KC.
Usefulness of Prefabricated Muscle Flap for Difficult Wound Around Knee Joint Area.
66th ASPRS Scientific Annual Meeting. Sanfrancisco, Califonia, USA
Plastic Surgical Forum, 1997; 208-209.
10. Lee HB, Lew DH, Chung YK, Tark KC.
De Novo Induction of Capsular Island Flap Using Two Silicone Sheets.
65th ASPRS Scientific Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, USA
Plastic Surgical Forum, 1996; 1-2.
11. Lee HB, Lew DH, Tark KC, Shin KS.
New Reconstructive Method For Lacrimal Excretory Apparatus with Prefabricated Vein- Muscle Flap. 65th ASPRS Scientific Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, USA
Plastic Surgical Forum, 1996; 246-247.
12. Lee HB, Tark KC, Rah DK, Shin KS.
Pulp Reconstruction of Fingers with Very Small Sized Sensate Medial Plantar Free Flap.
64th ASPRS Scientific Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada
Plastic Surgical Forum, 1995; 241-243.
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